Importing Attributes

The Manager Dashboard and Learning Groups tools require information about users that are most likely maintained in your Human Resources Information System (HRIS). These features rely on your organization’s hierarchy, reporting structure, and other attributes that you must specify to enable managers and learning administrators to enroll users into groups and courses.

D2L requires uploading a CSV file to define and maintain the attributes associated to users and import them into Manager Dashboard and Learning Groups. You may be able to set up an auto-generated CSV file that regularly updates employee information from your organization’s HRIS to update Manager Dashboard. (Ensure that the CSV file size is no larger than 1GB.)

D2L offers three potential access points for uploading a CSV file of employee attributes from your HRIS to Manager Dashboard:

  1. Manual upload via the user interface of Brightspace Learning Environment. Access the Attributes tool in the Admin tools menu of LE. You can manually import your CSV file from the Bulk Attribute Upload tab using the provided file template every time you have an employee update.
  2. Integration Pack for Student Information Systems (IPSIS) – D2L Standard CSV Integration. To learn more about this option, refer to: Using IPSIS to import user attributes.
  3. API service - To learn how to develop your API solution to import user attributes, contact your D2L representative (Implementation Services, Account Management, or Customer Success).

Note: D2L recommends engagement with D2L Implementation Services to configure a custom option for your organization.